
One thing sea salt doesn't have is added iodine, which you'll often see noted on its label. 交友

Table salt has been fortified with iodine since the early 20th century as a way to get more of the essential mineral into Americans' diets.Drunk5flowerdeep

These days, Rumsey said, most Americans get plenty of iodine in their diets -- so you shouldn't worry about using sea salt instead if you like its texture and crunch.供養愛的聖殿

The most important thing to remember: Sea salt is still salt, and you shouldn't consume too much of it.onlyperfect only elegance

"I tell people that whatever salt you do decide to use, to do so sparingly," Rumsey said -- and that goes for the sodium content in packaged foods, too. lemon cry in the sea

Aim for less than 2300 mg, or less than 1500 mg if you are over age 51 or have health concerns such as high blood pressure, diabetes or kidney disease.deeping night rolling deep

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